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Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?

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Aleksandar Marković
Part Time Freelance Journalist

Član broj: 219
Poruke: 5220


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icon Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?23.06.2004. u 14:17 - pre 243 meseci
Zahvaljujuci napretku molekularne biologije i genetickog inzenjerstva, kraj proslog stoleca obelezen je stupanjem na scenu nauke i tehnologije genetski modifikovanih organizama, vestackim putem stvorenih, koji nikada ranije nisu postojali u prirodi, a ako i jesu - bili su eliminisani prirodnom selekcijom. Takvi su organizmi u prvi mah predstavljali naucne kuriozitete, mogli su se naci samo u vrhunskim bioloskim laboratorijama, a sada se neki od njih industrijski proizvode na tone.

I sto je najstrasnije, usli su u lanac ishrane zivih bica, a da prethodno nisu bili podvrgnuti odgovarajucim visegodisnjim testiranjima. Procesi koji se desavaju u prirodi toliko su brojni i slozeni, da mi nikada necemo biti u stanju da predvidimo sta se sve u zivom svetu tokom dugog niza godina moze desiti kada se u njemu nadje obilje genetski modifikovanih organizama.

Jos u vreme dok genetski modifikovani organizmi nisu "izasli u svet" iz bioloskih laboratorija, naucnici su se podelili u dve ostro suprotstavljene grupe:
- optimiste i
- pesimiste.

Prvi su tvrdili da ce oni doneti revoluciju u ishrani covecanstva. Da ce se pomocu vecih prinosa i snizenja cene proizvodnje genetski modifikovanih biljnih vrsta iskoreniti glad na planeti. A, zatim, da ce se genetskim modifikacijama organizama dobiti jeftini lekovi sadrzani u hranljivim biljkama koje se nalaze u jelovniku ljudi, itd.

Na drugoj strani, pesimisti su izrazavali veliku zabrinutost oko "manipulacije genima". Pri tome su neki, kao ishod takvih postupaka, cak predvideli tragicne posledice po coveka i ostali zivi svet na Zemlji.

Kako vreme prolazi, pokazuje se da su pesimisti blizi istini od optimista. Tome u prilog govori i vest od pre nekoliko dana, da je u SAD dve trecine useva kontaminirano genetski modifikovanim organizmima! Za zagovornike upotrebe genetski modifikovanih organizama bilo je to kao udar groma iz vedrog neba. Niko od njih nije pomisljao da se to moze desiti tako brzo i u tolikom obimu. Vetrovi, ptice i insekti su na velike udaljenosti preneli polen sa genetski modifikovanim organizmima. Modifikovano bilje pronadjeno je osetljivim analizama u zitu, kukuruzu, soji i drugim poljoprivrednim vrstama na poljima zasejanim obicnim, genetski neizmenjenim semenjem.

Ovaj sokantan nalaz mogao se ocekivati na osnovu podatka koji je Unija zabrinutih naucnika objavila u izvestaju 24. februara ove godine. Prema njihovoj proceni 2002. u SAD sa polja zasejanim tradicionalnim varijetetima kukuruznog semenog zrna kontaminaciji od jedan odsto odgovara 6.250 tona genetski modifikovanog semenog materijala! Ovim su ozbiljno ugrozena prava americkih farmera koji su opredeljeni za organsku poljoprivredu. Njima se moze desiti da u doglednoj buducnosti budu prisiljeni da se priklone diktatu multinacionalnih kompanija i predju na sejanje genetski modifikovanih vrsta.

Obratimo sada narocitu paznju modifikovanoj soji, jer se ona kod nas uvozi i trenutno predstavlja vecu pretnju od modifikovanog kukuruza.

Takva soja sadrzi gen koji dovodi do stvaranja proteina sposobnog da razgradjuje "Monsantov" herbicid, sredstvo koje se koristi protiv korova. "Monsantova" genetski modifikovana "round up" soja u stanju je da se izbori sa velikom kolicinom herbicida "glyfosata". Bacen u visku ovaj herbicid tamani sav korov, te bi polje sa retko posejanom sojom licilo na Mesecev pejsaz sa tu i tamo kojom stabljicicom soje. No, ipak se u "round up" soji nalazi vise herbicida "glysofata" nego u obicnoj soji. Za "glysofate" se pokazalo da izaziva kancerogeno oboljenje non-Hodzkinov limfom.

U toj modifikovanoj soji Belgijanci su pronasli dva kratka fragmenta DNK koji ne pripadaju ni soji, ni genetskim inzenjerstvom unetom materijalu. Ne zna se njihovo poreklo, kao ni moguca aktivnost. Ovi kratki, nestabilni fragmenti, mogu da se sele unutar gena u maticnoj soji ili u nekoj drugoj biljci do koje dopadnu, i da dovedu do stvaranja nekog patogena, mikroorganizma koji je u stanju da izazove bolest.

Nazalost, u nasu zemlju do sada je uvezeno vise stotina tona modifikovane soje, iako se kod nas prirodna soja proizvodi na oko 100.000 hektara. Medjutim, uvoz modifikovanog sojinog semena i njegova sadnja su u Srbiji zakonom zabranjeni. Ipak se to seme svercuje iz Madjarske i Rumunije i krisom sadi. Jednom prilikom Nemci su nam vratili tone soje koju smo im prodali, jer su u njoj pronasli nedozvoljeni procenat modifikovane vrste. Time su nam "otvorili oci" - pokazali sta nam se na njivama desava i kakvom "mernom tehnikom" i strucnjacima raspolazemo.

Za sada na ovom putu najdalje se otislo u ispitivanju "ugradnji" vakcina u biljke. Umesto da se vakcina uzima preko usta (kao u slucaju polio vakcine), ona bi se unosila u biljku. Dospevsi putem hrane u organizam coveka ili zivotinje vakcina bi u njemu inicirala stvaranje antitela za odredjeni virus ili bakteriju. Odmah se pitamo, a sta se na tom putu moze ocekivati? Razmotrimo zato predlog koriscenja kukuruza kao hrane i nosioca vakcine protiv virusa HIV-a, uzrocnika opake bolesti SIDE. Tim problemom poceli su da se bave saradnici americke biotehnoloske kompanije "ProdiGene". Oni su dosli na ideju da u kukuruzov genom genetskim inzenjerstvom ugrade gen koji bi u zivom organizmu izazvao stvaranje specificnog proteina gp120.

Nije nam tesko da zamislimo kako milioni ljudi sirom planete (osim onih koji gladuju) doruckuju kukuruzne pahuljice s mlekom. Naucnici su pretpostavili da ce oni jeduci pahuljice dobijene od genetski modifikovanog kukuruza, u sebe unositi i vakcinu protiv virusa HIV-a.

Medjutim, dr Veljko Veljkovic i dr Radmila Metlas, naucni saradnici Instituta u Vinci, vec su davno dokazali da je protein gp120 kljucna patogena komponenta virusa HIV-a i da taj protein dovodi do razaranja covekovog imunog sistema, tj. do uslova za pojavu bolesti SIDE. Tako bi covek po kratkom postupku umesto vakcine protiv HIV-a "zaradio" agens koji bi mu vremenom unistio imuni odgovor!

Jer u principu nije iskljucena mogucnost da kao ishod genetskih modifikacija zive materije akcidentalno nastane neki mnogo jaci patogen od virusa HIV-a i da on u relativno kratkom vremenu zatre ljudski rod na Zemlji.

Prof. dr Vladimir Ajdačić
Odgovor na temu

trenutno-belly d

Član broj: 20075
Poruke: 69

ICQ: 334


icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?24.06.2004. u 01:54 - pre 243 meseci
jeste imunitet je danas ja mislim jedina stavka koja negativno postavlja citavu stvar sa modifikovanom hranom...

u principu ...nema leka...smatrajte GMO evolutivnim putem..neminovan je kakve da budu posledice..

a sta ce se desiti ...nadam se da necemo toliko dugo ziveti da vidimo..sem mozda u nekom drugom zivotu..

long live belly dance
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Član broj: 113411
Poruke: 1


icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?23.09.2006. u 20:50 - pre 215 meseci
Kako da prepoznam tu hranu na pijaci koja je genetski modifikovana?
Odgovor na temu

sinisa sasic
chicago, IL

Član broj: 10812
Poruke: 153

ICQ: 323174686

+3 Profil

icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?26.09.2006. u 14:03 - pre 215 meseci

sjetih se citata iz jedne davne monodrame josipa pejakovica: "sto valja crvu valja i coeku, sto ne valja crvu ne valja ni coeku" odnoseci se na crvave jabuke koliko se sjecam. trazi hranu koja nije savrsenog oblika i iste velicine, probaj i po mirisu... ne vjerujem da ima neka pouzdana metoda za pijace, osim da nosis na analizu :-)
>>> ThatsOnlyMe <<<
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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?30.09.2006. u 21:55 - pre 215 meseci

-"Food-Your Miracle Medicine", Jean Carper

How Food Can Prevent and Cure Over 100 Symptoms and Problems.
This book details what to eat and not to eat to prevent or relieve common problems, such as headaches, hay fever, arthritic pain, flu and congestion, heartburn, asthma, anxiety, stress, diarrhea, upset stomach, ulcers, high blood pressure, colic and spastic colon. It also tells which foods can help you survive a heart attack or stroke as well as reverse clogged arteries, combat blood clots and shrink precancerous growths. It is an invaluable guide,

Food—Your Miracle Medicine is a wonderful little reference for practical knowledge about foods, what they contain, and how their elements effect the body. Foods are listed according to various conditions. For example, high cholesterol or depression can be looked up to see what foods are best to reduce conditions and their related symptoms

-10 Natural Remedies That Can Save Your Life

A Book by James F. Balch, M.D

For thousands of years, people have relied on the gifts of the earth: nutritious food, clean water, natural light, medicinal herbs--and an active lifestyle to stay healthy. Now the gifts of the earth have been compromised: we eat highly processed food, bathe in and drink polluted water, work by artificial lighting, and take pills when we're sick and depressed from living this way. Natural remedies can make a drastic positive change in your life, says James F. Balch, M.D., in 10 Natural Remedies That Can Save Your Life. Balch, who is also the author of the bestselling Prescription for Nutritional Healing, presents 10 remedies to improve health. Some are no surprise--light, water, and air--but Balch gives us innovative, practical strategies for improving these areas. We all know we need to eat more "green foods," but Balch isn't talking about broccoli; rather, he recommends wheat grass and barley grass ("the most complete preventive medicine available ... one of the ultimate gifts of God"). Balch's other favorite remedies are garlic, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, chelation therapy, natural hormone balance (diet, DHEA, natural progesterone, black cohosh), and combined vitamins C and E. Some of his remedies are controversial and not supported by the medical community; some are backed by good research; a few are common sense and indisputable. Inform yourself with this book and other viewpoints, talk it all over with your physician, and evaluate what is best for your health.

Dr. James Balch, a well-respected physician and author of alternative health books, shows us in his new book, that the most basic health advice is really the best. Just like your mother always told you, "eat your greens, drink lots of water, exercise and get plenty of rest!" Air, water and light are the essential elements that should be central to our plan for health. The book offers a great deal of helpful information on these three "ingredients," and details some enlightening vitamin therapies. I can tell you, that after reading this book, I went to the health food store with a new list!
Here's a portion of his "Pop Quiz:
Dr. Balch asks 25 questions, he says our doctors should be asking (and really, we should be asking ourselves). Following are a few:
1. Do you go outside for exercise of any sort, including a brisk walk for at least 20 minutes a day every day?
2. Do you eat fast foods, or fried foods, or foods with high sugar content three to five times a week?
3. Do you drink tap water?
4. Do you travel much by air?
5. Do you use a computer?
6. Do you take any sort of nutritional supplement?
7. Are you able to sleep through the night?

Unfortunately, most of us do not have doctors who ask those questions to help motivate us into healthy changes.
"The medical business does not profit from your being well. They want to mask your symptoms, to resist healing, to substitute drugs for wellness.
I ask you to return to the awareness of your body you had when you were a child," Dr. Balch.
Even the lowest paid worker can plan on owning a car, so he doesn't have to walk anymore. Almost every adult owns a TV. We buy video games so that we can play virtual sports, instead of real ones.
"There's a dramatic increase in drug use. They've become another course in the family meal. Each night we consume an appropriate helping of meat, fish or fowl, fruit, whole grains, Prozac, Valium and for dessert, our favorite sleeping pill."
What about these "natural remedies?"
The first one is light. Dr. Balch claims that light and the hormone, melatonin, are the most powerful natural remedies for saving our lives.
He says that the sun is essential to our well being and we should be exposed to daylight every day. A 20-minute walk daily, even in inclement weather should be a priority in our routines.
Water - the good, the bad and the ugly (and the second natural remedy):
"In 1988, the U.S. dept. of Public Health first undertook the study of water contamination and found that 85 % of water in the U.S. is contaminated to some degree. The cause may be human and animal waste, chlorine, fluoride and toxic ammonia. It is doubtful that you can find any water supply entirely free of pollutants that contribute to cancer and other degenerative diseases.
"Even depression has been attributed to the water. In such cities as New York, where copper plumbing has been used for years - it was recorded that there was a much greater incidence of depression. "
Fluoride, long thought to be an important preventative of tooth decay, is according to Dr. Balch, a complete poison.
"No long term studies have linked fluoridated water with stronger bones and teeth. Instead there have been indications of links to damaged and mottled teeth, as well as to health problems like osteomalacia and osteoporosis. In fact, there is some evidence of a higher than normal incidence of Down syndrome and cancer in some communities with a higher than average amount of fluoridation.

Considering the invisible dangers of our water supply, Dr. Balch still wants us to drink water - and lots of it. We should just not trust our tap water. Bottled water is not above reproach either, he says. His recommendation? Save the tap water for bathing and laundry, use distilled water for drinking and cooking. (You can add lemon or flavoring to improve the taste). Some water filtration systems - usually the more expensive models - may do an adequate job of decreasing the hazards in your tap water, he says. What are the benefits of drinking water? Dr. Balch says that it helps with fatigue, colds, constipation, arthritis, kidney disease, circulatory diseases and even frontal headaches.
Air - the third natural remedy
The book outlines a variety of treatments, known as bio-oxidative therapies - which are still largely in experimental phases. These therapies utilize two products: ozone and hydrogen peroxide. One medical use is to enhance the oxygen reaching the heart of a heart attack patient.
Run -- don't walk to your nearest vitamin store…
You have probably heard of melatonin. It received quite a bit of press for its benefits in helping people who frequently cross time zones to adjust - and sleep. In fact, many people started to use it as a safer, natural sleeping pill. Dr. Balch definitely sings its praises for a variety of uses.
First, he favors it as an antioxidant; he says it slows or prevents some of the common illnesses that come about as we age…
"The older we get the less melatonin is manufactured by our pineal gland. This pineal gland begins to fail when we turn 40 to 50 years old. Supplementation reverses this process. When you start taking it, your quality of life will be improved and the dangers of serious illness will be decreased. Lack of melatonin contributes to the probability of Alzheimer's, the spread of cancers and other problems."
(I'm sold!) Dr. Balch recommends taking it an hour or two before bedtime. He reports that the benefits are heightened in conjunction with sleep. It seems to set your immune system into hyper-drive and sharpens your brain.
"Perhaps most important is the relation between melatonin and aging. Without it, your quality of life would be lower and there is the chance of premature death from illnesses that are preventable," states Dr. Balch.

How does it work?
Dr. Balch: "It stimulates the body's production of three key hormones: testosterone, estrogen, and adrenaline - all of them critical factors in your sex life. Thus, one pleasant side effect is the maintenance of a healthy sex drive."
The basic dose recommended for people age 40 - 60 is one to two milligrams. Older people will need more, but it's best to get your doctor's opinion.
Dr. Balch also recommends caution if you are nursing a baby, have fertility problems, or suffer from hormonal disorder, depression or allergies, as it may interfere with some of the other treatments you are using.
He says that people under 40 will not need regular supplements, unless they travel across time zones a lot. Airline pilots are good candidates, for example.
What about those greens?
In his book, Dr. Balch discusses some green foods I have never heard of.

He wants us to eat grass! Actually, cereal grasses, like wheat and barley. He reports that they help prevent breast and prostrate cancer, improve the circulatory system and strengthen the immune system. The form that is the most convenient to take is in a tablet or powder (to be mixed with water), which is made from the juice of this potent produce. It is sold as Green Magma and Green Barley Essence. (I'd suggest the powder - I bought the Green Magma tablets, and you have to take so many of them - it's a good way to get heartburn.)

Alfalfa tablets are suggested as excellent for arthritis, so you may want to add that to your green cocktail…

Garlic: keep the vampires…and disease away!
Dr. Balch can't say enough about the positive attributes of garlic. But in case you don't want to send your significant other running gagging from the other room, Kyolic is on the scene. Dr. Balch says it's easier to digest and does not cause the overpowering odor of garlic.
Dr. Balch: "Garlic and Kyolic contain germanium and selenium, which are powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system. They have also been found to be beneficial for hypoglycemics, people with low blood sugar levels. Kyolic does battle against the 'bad cholesterol.' New research is showing that garlic actually inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the lab…"

Gikgo bilboa - if you can pronounce it, you'll request it at your health food store!
This is another one of Dr. Balch's panaceas. He says it aids memory, enhances concentration and helps breathing. It removes toxins and free radicals from our tainted systems. It can even reduce reactions to allergies. He suggests taking it as an extract. The dose -- 80-150 mgs. a day. He says to look for a 24% flavoglycoside content.

Vitamins C and E - a happy couple
Dr. Balch: "Recent studies suggest that Vitamin C, along with zinc and large quantities of water, shortens the common cold to as little as two days. Vitamins C and E working together affect your sex drive, your eyesight and other functions. Now we know that C is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes many of the free radicals to which we are exposed. Problems with sexual activity may be eased by Vitamin E. Vitamin E, has been shown to reduce deaths from heart disease!"
(He recommends 800-1200 IU daily and says we should look for the natural source d-alpha-tocopherol.)
Generations of toxins…
Dr. Balch makes an interesting study of the potential for health problems and free radical damage, based on our generation's environmental factors. He also laments today's reliance on computers.
Dr. Balch states that the evidence completely supports the fact that these lifestyle choices reduce the chance for depression, enhance health, and prolong life.

Prescription for health
In closing, I share Dr. Balch's "prescription" for health, as it relates to a daily nutritional supplement regime:
* 1 multiple vitamin (with at least 50 micrograms of each of the B-complex vitamins)
* Kyolic garlic
* Green magma
* Vitamin C (2000-5000 mgs.)
* E (400 IU - 1200 IUs)
* Add 200 micrograms of selenium to boost the C and E.
* Melatonin if you're over 40 (1-2 mgs.)
* Lycopene for men over 40 (this is found in the red pigment of tomatoes and is said to help prevent prostrate cancer.
I would recommend this book as an easy-to-read and helpful reference for healthy living.

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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

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icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?30.09.2006. u 22:08 - pre 215 meseci
Organic food

is food manufactured without artificial fertilizers and pesticides, with a care for soil fertility manufactured without artificial fertilizers and pesticides, with a care for soil fertility and biodiversity

11 Reasons Why You Should Eat Organic Food

l. To Protect Future Generations
"We have not inherited the earth from our fathers, we are borrowing it from our children" -Lester Brown. The average child receives four times more exposure than an adult to at least eight widely used cancer-causing pesticides in food. Food choices made now, determine your child's future health.

2. To Prevent Soil Erosion
Soil is the foundation of the food chain in organic gardening. In conventional farming, however, the soil is used more as a medium to hold plants in a vertical position, so they can be chemically fertilised. Soil structure is neglected and the top-soil is washed or blown away.

3. To Protect Water Quality
Water makes up two-thirds of our body mass and covers three quarters of the planet. Pesticides and other chemicals widely contaminate ground water and rivers and pollute our primary source of drinking water.

4. To Save Energy
Modern farming uses more petroleum than any other industry. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilisers than to till, cultivate and harvest crops. Organic farming is still based on labor intensive practices such as hand weeding, green manure and cover crops instead of chemicals.

5. To Keep Chemicals Off Your Plate
Many pesticides and herbicides were registered long before extensive research linking them to cancer and other diseases could be established. They are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also harm humans. In addition to cancer, pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic manipulations.

6. To Protect Farm Workers
Farmers have a much larger risk than non-farmers of contracting cancer. Farm worker health is also a serious problem in developing nations, where pesticide use can be poorly regulated. An estimated one million people are poisoned annually by pesticides.

7. To Help Small Farmers
Most organic farms are small, independently owned family farms of less than 100 acres. Many family farms have been lost this past decade. Organic farming could be one of the few survival tactics left for family farms.

8. To Support A True Economy
Although organic foods might seem more expensive than conventional foods, conventional food prices don't reflect hidden costs such as pesticide regulation and testing, hazardous waste disposal and clean up and environmental damage. If the hidden environmental and social costs of chemically-produced conventional produce were added to that produce, it would be more than double the price of organic food.

9. To Promote Biodiversity
The conventional farmer uses monoculture, the planting of large plots of land with the same crop year after year. This approach leaves the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients, which have to be replaced by chemical fertilisers in increasing amounts. Single crops are also more susceptible to pests, making farmers more reliant on pesticides. Insects have become genetically resistant to certain pesticides and despite the increased uses of chemicals, crop losses are increasing. Organic farmers encourage natural predators on their farms and are content with a smaller harvest. They also practice crop rotation to add health and energy to the soil.

10. For A Better Taste
Organic farming starts with the nourishment of the soil, which leads to the nourishment of the plant and, ultimately, our palate. Ask the many chefs who prefer to use organic foods.

11. Certified organic means GE-free
Certified organic food does not contain genetically engineered organisms.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?09.11.2006. u 14:44 - pre 214 meseci
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 61960
Poruke: 1438

+109 Profil

icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?09.11.2006. u 15:05 - pre 214 meseci
Covece naje*acemo !!!
Covece jesi ti Englez ili te mrzi da pises ???
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4897
Poruke: 239

+2 Profil

icon Re: Modifikovana hrana - agens koji uništava imunitet?09.11.2006. u 19:10 - pre 214 meseci
Sto se tice alergije, preteruje se. Kao sto je neko alergican na kikiri ili kiwi ili morske proizvode, moze biti alergican na neke dodatke gm hrane ali nista vise ili manje nego na prirodne proizvode. Kao sto je obaveza da se istaknu sastojci na pakovanju prehram. proiz. obavezno je istaci da li neka soja ima recimo neki gen oraha ili kikirikija ili vec neki drugi, tako da je kupac informisan o sastavu proizvoda koji kupuje.

A ono sa nastankom opasnih patogena, je nagadjanje...

Realna je opasnost od nastanka super-korova, tu su i ekoloski problemi, ali gm hrana nije buducnost vec je nasa sadasnjost, vrlo brzo ce i EU pokleknuti i dopustiti uzgajanje.

p.s. inace po nasem zakonu :) gm je nesto ako je gm vise od 0.9% posmatrane kolicine. Uvezete 10tona soje od toga 90kg gm semena, zakonski vasa soja nije gm :)
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