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Forumska tetka

Član broj: 159453
Poruke: 206

+62 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?04.12.2009. u 19:22 - pre 176 meseci
^ Sto plasis devojku?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 206609
Poruke: 329

+7 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 08:21 - pre 176 meseci
Razum se ne plaši nikakvih informacija...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 08:45 - pre 176 meseci
Zar ti stvarno misliš da će neko da čita kilometarske stranice. Nije stvar u kvantitetu već u kvalitetu. Evo samo da se prijavim i ja sa prve strane ove teme. Dakle 80% ljudi u grupi računajući profesore i asistente je bilo bolesno i izgubilo najmanje nedeju i po od obaveza. Neki su bili i u bolnici sa zapaljenjem pluća. Na sreću sada su svi dobro ali imaju problema sa nadoknađivanjem propuštenih obaveza. Ja nisam ni kinuo (dobro jesam od prašine :) ), tako da mislim da se se isplati vakcinisati se .
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 206609
Poruke: 329

+7 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 18:43 - pre 176 meseci
Vidim da su mnogima draže instant informacije,ono,tipa 3 u 1,pa stoga evo i toga malo:
- Cjepivo nije potencijalno već sigurno opasno zbog kombinacije snažnog imunostimulatora (skvalen) u cjepivu i prirode samog virusa. H1N1 je izrazito imunogeničan. Ako cjepivo k tome primi zdravi, mladi organizam, koji je imunološki superioran virusu, postoji dokazana opasnost od kasnijeg nastanka teških autoimunih bolesti - spomenut ću multiplu sklerozu, lupus, reumatoidni artritis i amnijsku lateralnu sklerozu.

Te bolesti počet će se kod nekih razvijati s vremenskim odmakom i isprva napredovati sporo. Prve simptome oboljeli će osjetiti tek nakon više godina - upozoravao je Sladoljev.
Posljedice tek stižu

Napominje kako je cjepivo opasno za mlade i zdrave, ali je ipak potrebno cijepiti starije osobe, kronične i bolesnike s oslabljenim imunitetom. No što s onima koji su se ipak cijepili, a zdravi su i imaju jak imunitet? Sladoljev navodi da će kod jednog dijela osoba koje su primile cjepivo protiv svinjske gripe "vrijeme svakako iznjedriti nuspojave”.

Sladoljev napominje da nas ne trebaju zabrinjavati one trenutačne nuspojave, poput mučnine ili temperature, nego “ono o čemu je htjela progovoriti poljska ministrica”. http://www.slobodnadalmacija.h...w/articleId/81704/Default.aspx

Nadam se da nije bilo preopširno...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 19:59 - pre 176 meseci
Povezanost Desert Storm sindroma kod americkih vojnika, sa squalen-om, odnosno supstancom koja se nalazila u vakcinama za zastitu od hemijskog oruzja (antraksa) koje su primali. Squalen je jedan od sastojaka Novartisove vakcine.

Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) is a multisystemic illness afflicting many Gulf War-era veterans. The molecular pathological basis for GWS has not been established. We sought to determine whether the presence of antibodies to squalene correlates with the presence of signs and symptoms of GWS. Participants in this blinded cohort study were individuals immunized for service in Desert Shield/Desert Storm during 1990-1991. They included 144 Gulf War-era veterans or military employees (58 in the blinded study), 48 blood donors, 40 systemic lupus erythematosus patients, 34 silicone breast implant recipients, and 30 chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Serum antibodies to squalene were measured. In our small cohort, the substantial majority (95%) of overtly ill deployed GWS patients had antibodies to squalene. All (100%) GWS patients immunized for service in Desert Shield/Desert Storm who did not deploy, but had the same signs and symptoms as those who did deploy, had antibodies to squalene. In contrast, none (0%) of the deployed Persian Gulf veterans not showing signs and symptoms of GWS have antibodies to squalene. Neither patients with idiopathic autoimmune disease nor healthy controls had detectable serum antibodies to squalene. The majority of symptomatic GWS patients had serum antibodies to squalene.
ima toga na googlu (squalene desert storm)...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 20:49 - pre 176 meseci


Squalene-based adjuvants in vaccines
What is squalene?

Squalene is a naturally occurring substance found in plants, animals, and humans. It is manufactured in the liver of every human body and circulates in our bloodstream.
Squalene is also found in a variety of foods, cosmetics, over-the-counter medications, and health supplements.
Squalene is commercially extracted from fish oil, and in particular shark liver oil. Squalene used in pharmaceutical products and vaccines is purified from this source.

Is there squalene in vaccines?

Since 1997, an influenza vaccine (FLUAD, Chiron) which contains about 10 mg of squalene per dose, has been approved in health agencies in several European countries. Squalene is present in the form of an emulsion and is added to make the vaccine more immunogenic.
Squalene is being added to improve the efficacy of several experimental vaccines including pandemic flu and malaria vaccines which are being developed.

Why is squalene added to vaccines?

Squalene is a component of some adjuvants that are added to vaccines to enhance the immune response.
MF59, an adjuvant produced by Novartis and added to the FLUAD flu vaccine, is such an example.
Squalene by itself is not an adjuvant, but emulsions of squalene with surfactants do enhance the immune response.

What is known about the safety of squalene in vaccines?

Twenty two million doses of Chiron's influenza vaccine (FLUAD) have been administered safely since 1997. This vaccine contains about 10mg of squalene per dose. No severe adverse events have been associated with the vaccine. Some mild local reactogenicity has been observed.
Clinical studies on squalene-containing vaccines have been done in infants and neonates without evidence of safety concerns.

Why do some people think squalene in vaccines carries a risk?

A few people have tried to link the health problems of Gulf War veterans to the possible presence of squalene in the vaccines these soldiers received.
One published report suggested that some veterans who received anthrax vaccines developed anti-squalene antibodies and these antibodies caused disabilities.
It is now known that squalene was not added to the vaccines administered to these veterans, and technical deficiencies in the report suggesting an association have been published.

What is the relevance of anti-squalene antibodies and are these linked to squalene in vaccines?

Most adults, whether or not they have received vaccines containing squalene, have antibodies against squalene.
- In one study the incidence of these antibodies appeared to increase with age.
In one clinical trial, immunization with the licensed flu vaccine containing squalene did not affect the frequency or titer of anti-squalene antibodies.
(unpublished data shared with the GACVS by Novartis).

Reference for first bullet point above

Matyas G, Rao M, Pittman P, Burge R, Robbins I, Wassef N et al. Detection of antiboides to squalene III. Naturally occurring antibodies to squalene in humans and mice. JIM 286 (2004) 47-67

Are squalene-containing vaccines safe?

Over 22 million doses of squalene-containing flu vaccine have been administered. The absence of significant vaccine-related adverse events following this number of doses suggests that squalene in vaccines has no significant risk. This vaccine has been given primarily to older age groups.
As this vaccine and new squalene-containing vaccines are introduced in other age groups, post-marketing follow-up to detect any vaccine-related adverse events will need to be performed.

Page last updated: 21 July 2006
Page last reviewed: 3 December 2008


Prikačeni fajlovi
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 21:11 - pre 176 meseci

Pa njima bi, posle svega, odma' poverovao.
Squalene Update as of October 2009:

According to Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the NVIC, none of the H1N1 vaccines being distributed in the United States contain squalene or other oil in water adjuvants.

We successfully made enough fuss about the potential danger of fast tracking licensure of squalene adjuvants into US H1N1 vaccines under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that can be invoked during a declared public health emergency that the FDA has NOT licensed these adjuvants for the U.S.

There is squalene in H1N1 vaccines licensed in Europe but not yet in the U.S. That is not to say the vaccine manufacturers will not try to get the adjuvants inserted into vaccines in the future, but for now we have won on this point.

Ne znam samo sto svi ti ljudi dizu frku oko toga.

Squalene:C30H50, an Adjuvant

Too dangerous for human use, Squalene is not licensed for use in the United States. Oil adjuvants like squalene have been ordinarily used to inflict diseases in animals – for experimentation and study. According to anthrax vaccine expert Gary Matsumoto and other reliable sources, the US military used an unlicensed, experimental anthrax vaccination laced with squalene, with disastrous consequences, including Gulf War Sydrome.

Squalene is a natural organic compound originally obtained for commercial purposes primarily from shark liver oil, though botanic sources (primarily vegetable oils) are used as well, including amaranth seed, rice bran, wheat germ, and olives. (

An adjuvant using squalene is Novartis' proprietary adjuvant MF59, which is added to influenza vaccines. GlaxoSmithKline's squalene adjuvant is AS03.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 21:45 - pre 176 meseci
Ma daj covece pa ta supstanca se normalno nalazi u svakom od nas. Organizam ga sam proizvodi u jetri. Kad nesto dodirnes u onom otisku se nalazi ta supstanca. Koristi se u kozmetici kao ovlazivac koze itd.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 21:55 - pre 176 meseci
Zato je i odobrena u USA... onako, odma... zato sto je bezopasna i nalazi se svuda. Ah, pa izgleda da nije jos odobrena... al' bitno je da Srbi mogu bez problema to da ubrizgaju u sebe. Mislim ako je WHO rekao, kao i proizvodjac vakcina - to mora da je tacno - ili barem tacno koliko i sva ova prica o "pandemiji"...

Bottom line, svako nek veruje u sta hoce dokle god ima izbor da li ce u necemu da ucestvuje ili ne, ali po mom misljenju, ubrzano sa radi na tome da se taj izbor izbaci iz jednacine. Tj. da WHO digne toliku frku ne bi li vlade imale opravdanje da proglase "pandemiju" i sprovedu planove masovnog (po mogucstvu obaveznog) vakcinisanja... dok big-pharma trlja ruke i belezi rekordni profit.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 22:08 - pre 176 meseci
Eh Srbi. Pa razne vakcine koje sadrze tu supstancu su vec primenjene u 22 miliona doza. Zar ne mislis da bi neko vec reagovao da nesto nije u redu.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 22:11 - pre 176 meseci
Zar ne mislis da bi se to brzo zataskalo ili pripisalo necemu trecem. Ipak velike pare su u igri.

Dosta tradicionalnih lekova u sledecih pet godina gube "copyright", tako da ce svi moci da ih proizvode bez licence. Treba preci na nesto novo sto ne moze svako da proizvede... a to su vakcine.


Big Pharma looks to vaccines to fill revenue gap

LONDON/ZURICH (Reuters) - Vaccines may be the next big thing for Big Pharma.
Drugmakers' traditional model is under threat from looming loss of exclusivity on some of the industry's biggest sellers and companies are keen to diversify away from the core business of prescription medicines.

"All of a sudden the black sheep of the family has become very exciting again and part of that is down to the absence of drugs coming through the regular pipeline," said Simon Friend, global pharmaceutical leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers.

One key advantage of vaccines is their relative immunity to generic competition. As biological medicines they are hard to manufacture, typically requiring a large capital investment of $100-600 million per plant, according to analysts at UBS.

"Generics don't play in the vaccines space, so you have them for a long time," PwC's Friend said.

As a result, many drug companies are eyeing vaccines as among their most promising $1 billion-a-year-plus products.

Recent vaccine growth is impressive, with sales by the top five producers -- together accounting for 85 percent of the market -- reaching $16 billion in 2008, up one-third in just two years.

By 2012, market leader Sanofi predicts revenues of $22 billion and many analysts think that is conservative.

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 05.12.2009. u 23:25 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

Lokacija: Mordor

Član broj: 52949
Poruke: 122

+78 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 22:13 - pre 176 meseci
stil: Eh Srbi. Pa razne vakcine koje sadrze tu supstancu su vec primenjene u 22 miliona doza. Zar ne mislis da bi neko vec reagovao da nesto nije u redu.

Samo jedno pitanje - od kada su pocele da se primenjuju vakcine sa squalenom i gde su primenjene u 22 miliona doza?
Internet forumi su kao javni toalet... udje ko želi, ispiša se gde poželi, i ode...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 22:51 - pre 176 meseci
Od 1997.

What is known about the safety of squalene in vaccines?

Twenty two million doses of Chiron's influenza vaccine (FLUAD) have been administered safely since 1997. This vaccine contains about 10mg of squalene per dose. No severe adverse events have been associated with the vaccine. Some mild local reactogenicity has been observed.
Clinical studies on squalene-containing vaccines have been done in infants and neonates without evidence of safety concerns.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?05.12.2009. u 23:55 - pre 176 meseci
Squaline is an adjuvent. An adjuvant is a non-viral component added to vaccines that basically allows less vaccine to be used. This obviously saves A LOT of money for the manufacturers. Squaline works by kicking the body's auto-immunity into hyper-speed so fewer vaccine doses and ppm (parts per million) can be used.

A sta je u stvari Squalene - to je dodatak koji se koristi >umesto< potrebne kolicine virusa, tj. da bi manja kolicina virusa bila efektna u izazivanju odgovarajuce reakcije nasheg imunog sistema i stvaranju otpornosti. Znaci farmaceutske kompanije - da bi proizvele veci broj vakcina od iste kolicine virusa, tj. zaradile vishe para - su ubacile ovu supstancu koja dodatno provocira nas imuni sistem, umesto da ubace adekvatnu kolicinu virusa (cija proizvodnja kosta).

Takodje, sve vakcine nemaju ove dodatke (boostere), tako da je oko toga bila afera u Nemackoj (bila su narucena dva tipa vakcine, jedna sa ovim dodacima i manjom kolicinom prave materije, i druga bez dodataka... koju su navodno trebali da prime zdravsteveni radnici, politicari itd. - pa je izbio skandal, zasto svi nisu dobili "pravu" vakcinu nego samo odabrani, a sve upravo zbog stetnosti i nuspojava koje ovi dodaci mogu da izazovu).

Ministarka zdravlja Poljske je izmedju ostalog rekla da sve vakcine nisu iste, i da ne moze da se placa ista cena za "vodicu" sa boosterima kao za vakcinu bez njih (pored toga je izjavila, indirektno, da je sve ovo oko pandemije svinjskog gripa farsa).

Šta je dužnost Ministra zdravlja? Da potpiše ugovore koji su za dobrobit poljskog naroda, ili da potpiše ugovore koji idu u korist farmaceutskih kompanija? (aplauz)

Postoje tri vakcine na tržištu, sve tri od tri različite kompanije. Svaka ima drugačiju količinu aktivne supstance a opet, za čudo, svaka se tretira na isti način? Nije li stoga opravdano da ministar zdravlja i drugi stručnjaci sumnjaju u njih?

Možda je jedna od vakcina koja u sebi sadrži samo tragove te aktivne supstance u stvari samo "sveta vodica" za koju treba da verujemo da leči svinjski grip? Treba li da za to platimo?

Dajem primer Nemačke koja je kupila 50 miliona vakcina, do sada je upotrebljeno tek 10%. Danas samo 13% Nemaca želi da uzme taj "magični lek“. Ali taj podatak je neobičan jer Nemci imaju veoma visok procenat ljudi koji primaju vakcine, tako da kada u Poljskoj od 1000 ljudi 53 primi vakcinu, u Nemačkoj na 1000 ljudi primi njih 238 (23%).

Šta se to dešava kad samo 13% Nemaca želi da primi tu vakcinu protiv gripa a ne onih 23% koliko ih redovno prima sezonsku vakcinu protiv običnog gripa? Njihova vlada im je kupila vakcine i daje ih besplatno a oni ih neće? Šta se desilo?
Na kraju bih htela da kažem jednu stvar: poljski narod je veoma mudar. Poljaci umeju vrlo dobro da razlikuju laž od istine. Takođe mogu da vide šta je objektivno, a šta je samo "igra".

E sad nagradno pitanje za gradjane Srbije: Koju vakcinu mislite da smo "mi" kupili? Sa ili bez boostera?
Nama su izgleda squalen i sl. dodaci bezbedni, iako postoje vakcine koje ga nemaju, a i u USA kol'ko vidimo daju vakcine bez boostera za svinjski grip.

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 06.12.2009. u 03:29 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?06.12.2009. u 01:03 - pre 176 meseci
Ne razbacuj nagrade.

Kupili smo najjeftiniju vakcinu, da bi Misko imao maksimalnu zaradu. Nije vazno koliko smo je "platili", to se ne zna, kao ni sastav.

A sta ima da se zna, da li ce se neko vakcinisati ili ne. Efekat je postignut, pokazali smo se kao kooperativni, poklonili malo drzavnih para, napravili dreku...sve ostalo moze da se lazira...

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4832
Poruke: 2066

+419 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?06.12.2009. u 08:52 - pre 176 meseci
Ja bih voleo da mi objasniš kako nešto što već postoji u ljudskom organizmu, dakle jetra ga proizvodi i već cirkuliše tvojim krvotokom može da izazove nešto loše. Odnosno u tom slučaju ti po tvojoj teoriji već ne bi trebao da budeš među živima.


Newsweek states that "wild rumours" about the swine flu vaccine are being spread through e-mails, it writes that "The claims are nearly pure bunk, with only trace amounts of fact." These rumours generally make unfounded claims that the vaccine is dangerous and they may also promote conspiracy theories. For example, Newsweek states that some chain e-mails make false claims about squalene (shark liver oil) in vaccines. The New York Times also notes that anti-vaccine groups have spread "dire warnings" about formulations of the vaccine that contain squalene as an adjuvant. An adjuvant is a substance that boosts the body's immune response, thereby stretching the supply of the vaccine and helping immunize elderly people with a weak immune system. Squalene is a normal part of the human body, made in the liver and circulating in the blood, and is also found in many foods, such as eggs and olive oil. None of the formulations of vaccine used in the US contain squalene, or any other adjuvant. However, some European and Canadian formulations do contain 25 μg of squalene per dose, which is roughly the amount found in a drop of olive oil. Some animal experiments have suggested that squalene might be linked to autoimmune disorders, although others suggest squalene might protect people against cancer.

Squalene-based adjuvants have been used in European influenza vaccines since 1997, with about 22 million doses administered over the past twelve years.The WHO states that no severe side effects have been associated with these vaccines, although they can produce mild inflammation at the site of injection. The safety of squalene-containing influenza vaccines have also been tested in two separate clinical trials, one with healthy non-elderly people, and one with elderly people, in both trials the vaccine was safe and well-tolerated, with only weak side-effects such as mild pain at the injection site. A 2009 meta-analysis brought together data from 64 clinical trials of influenza vaccines with the squalene-containing adjuvant MF59 and compared them to the effects of vaccines with no adjuvant. The analysis reported that the adjuvanted vaccines were associated with slightly lower risks of chronic diseases, but that neither type of vaccines altered the normal rate of autoimmune diseases; the authors concluded that their data "supports the good safety profile associated with MF59-adjuvanted influenza vaccines and suggests there may be a clinical benefit over non-MF59-containing vaccines". A 2004 review of the effects of adjuvants on mice and humans concluded that "despite numerous case reports on vaccination induced autoimmunity, most epidemiological studies failed to confirm the association and the risk appears to be extremely low or non-existent", although the authors noted that the possibility that adjuvants might cause damaging immune reactions in a few susceptible people has not been completely ruled out. A 2009 review of oil-based adjuvants in influenza vaccines stated that this type of adjuvant "neither stimulates antibodies against squalene oil naturally produced by the humans body nor enhances titers of preexisting antibodies to squalene" and that these formulations did not raise any safety concerns.

A paper published in 2000 suggested that squalene might have caused of Gulf War syndrome by producing anti-squalene antibodies, although other scientists stated that it was uncertain if the methods used were actually capable of detecting these antibodies. A 2009 U.S. Department of Defense study comparing healthy Navy personnel to those suffering from Gulf War syndrome was published in the journal Vaccine, used a validated test for these antibodies and found no link between the presence of the antibodies and illness, with about half of both groups having these antibodies and no correlation between symptoms and antibodies. Furthermore, none of the vaccines given to US troops during the Gulf war actually contained any squalene adjuvants.


Use of adjuvant

Whilst other 2009 H1N1 vaccines have been developed, the use of a proprietary immunologic adjuvant is claimed to boost the potency of the body’s immune response, meaning that only a quarter of the inactivated virus is needed.

Professor David Salisbury, Head of Immunisation at the UK Department of Health said the vaccines with adjuvants offer good protection even if the virus changes over time; "One of the advantages with adjuvanted vaccines is their ability to protect against drifted (mutated) strains. It opens the door for a whole new strategy in dealing with flu."

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?06.12.2009. u 13:23 - pre 176 meseci
Pa ja ne mogu nista vishe da ti kazem od onog sto sam mozes da nadjes preko net-a (ako zelis). Ne bih da se ponavljam sa postovima. Pretpostavljam da je rec WHO i proizvodjaca vakcina za tebe dovoljna posle svega izlozenog ovde u temi, za mene nije.

Kao sto rekoh svako po svom izboru, bitno je da ljudi znaju da postoji i taj aspekt price (osim PR i marketing fazona). Ako neko vec hoce da uzme vakcinu (sto ja nikako ne zelim niti bilo ko koga ja znam), onda je valjda normalno da zeli da uzme nesto sto potencijalno moze da izazove najmanje moguce kontraindikacije - a vakcina sa squalen-om to nije...

[Ovu poruku je menjao a1200 dana 06.12.2009. u 14:58 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 206609
Poruke: 329

+7 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?06.12.2009. u 19:13 - pre 176 meseci
Malo sam začeprkao po internetu,zaintrigiran tim skvalenom,i evo šta sam našao,dakle,

obrati pažnju:
Čovjekov imuni sistem prepoznaje skvalen kao jednu molekulu ulja koje se prirodno nalazi u njegovom tijelu. On se normalno nalazi u čovjekovom nervnom sistemu i mozgu. Tako, mi možemo konzumirati skvalen u npr. maslinovom ulju; tada će ga naše tijelo prepoznati i imaćemo koristi od njegovog anti-oksidantnog djelovanja.

Razlika između dobrog i lošeg skvalena je u načinu na kojeg on ulazi u naše tijelo.Injekcja podrazumijeva jedan nenormalan način ulaska supstanci u naše tijelo, te to onda dovodi do podsticanja imunog sistema da napadne sav skvalen koji je zastupljen u našem tijelu a ne samo onaj koji je ubrizgan injekcijom u njega kao adjuvans.

Naš imuni sistem će pri tome pokušavati da uništi njegove molekule gdje god ih nađe, čak i na onim mjestima gdje se one prirodno javljaju. S obzira da je on od vitalnog značaja za zdravlje naših nervih ćelija, onda možemo zamisliti kakve su posljedice toga.

Američki vojnici koji su sudjelovali u zaljevskom ratu bili su vakcinisani Novartisovom vakcinom protiv antraksa koja je sadržavala skvalen (MF59). Nakon toga su oboljevali od tzv. "sindroma zaljevskog rata" čiji su se simptomi manifestovali kao: artritis, fibromijalgija, limfadenopatija, osip kož, fotosenzitizacija kože, hronični zamor, hronične glavobolje, gubitak dlake na tijelu, rane i ulceri na koži i u ustima, vrtoglavica, slabost, gubitak pamćenja, nesvjestica, promjene u raspoloženju, neuropsihijatrijski problemi, anti-tiroidne posljedice, anemija, povećana sedimentacija eritrocita, sistemski lupus eritematosus, multipla skleroza, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Raynaud-ov fenomen, Sjorgren-ov sindrom, hronična dijareja, znojenje po noći, malo povećana temperatura tijela itd.”(

@stil,ono što je najbitnije u čitavoj priči je da se ti osećaš dobro,sve ostalo o čemu smo ovde pričali je od manjeg značaja.
Odgovor na temu

Lokacija: Mordor

Član broj: 52949
Poruke: 122

+78 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?06.12.2009. u 21:22 - pre 176 meseci
Kosuth, ova pojava i deo teksta koji si poplaveo zove se "molecular mimicry" (ko hoce nek gugla dalje) i upravo to je razlog zasto je squalene u vakcinama toliko opasan.

evo jos par zanimljivosti:

Molecular Mimicry as a Bio-Weapon Matsumoto reports that Soviet bioweaponeers used the principal of molecular mimicry in the 1980’s to engineer a ‘designer disease’ that would attack myelin. By splicing a fragment of myelin basic protein into legionella bacterium, they created what amounted to a living “nano-bomb”, which they injected into guinea pigs. What they found was that the immune system quickly cleared the legionella bacterium, but the myelin molecule, smuggled in by this microbial “Trojan horse” initiated a second wave of disease which caused experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, the animal version of MS. The Soviets recognized this creation for what it was – a biological time bomb!! (6)

“Molecular mimicry, seen for its diabolical potential as a weapon by the Soviets as far back as the 1980’s, also applies to squalene. But the real problem with using squalene, of course, is not that it mimics a molecule found in the body; it is the same molecule,” writes Matsumoto. “So what American scientists conceived as a vaccine booster was another “nano-bomb”, instigating chronic, unpredictable and debilitating disease. When the NIH (National Institutes of Health) argued that squalene would be safe because it is native to the body, just the opposite was true. Squalene’s natural presence in the body made it one of the most dangerous molecules ever injected into man!” (6)

The main proponents for the use of squalene in vaccines have been the U.S Department of Defense and the NIH. The anti-squalene antibodies in sick American and British military personnel are evidence that military experimentation has caused an unprecedented health catastrophe in tens of thousands of people onto whom the vaccine was forced and who were denied the right to make an informed decision based on existing scientific knowledge of the dangers of injecting squalene. “By adding squalene to their new anthrax vaccine, they did not make a better vaccine, they made a biological weapon.” (6) .

Medjutim najstrasnije od svega je sto ce kako se stvari odvijaju, SVAKA vakcina u buducnosti sadrzati ovaj adjuvans, tako da ce ga biti nemoguce izbeci cak i da hocete...
Internet forumi su kao javni toalet... udje ko želi, ispiša se gde poželi, i ode...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 206609
Poruke: 329

+7 Profil

icon Re: Da li cete se vakcinisati protiv svinjskog gripa?07.12.2009. u 07:24 - pre 176 meseci
Rekao bih još da sve ove informacije o ukupnoj,dugoročnoj pogubnosti vakcinisanja,ne izlaze iz okvira pitanja sa teme,jer odgovoriti samo sa DA ili Ne,bez,koliko-toliko-analitičkog pristupa svim informacijama prilikom odlučivanja za bilio koji od odgovora,govori o prisustvu najprimitivnijeg političko-religijskog dogmatizma.

Ko ima oči neka vidi,ko ima uši neka čuje!
Dakle,vakcinisanjem postajemo
biological time bomb!!

Čini mi se da dolazi vreme kada se više ne može slepo verovati zvaničnim društvenim institucijama,a pogotovu belosvetskim.
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