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Freehostia problem!

[es] :: Hosting :: Freehostia problem!

[ Pregleda: 2949 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Pretraga teme: Traži
Markiranje Štampanje RSS

Aleksej Slobodnjikov
Pc Serviser

Član broj: 190673
Poruke: 66


icon Freehostia problem!15.10.2008. u 23:31 - pre 190 meseci
Da li neko zna sta je sa ovim free serverom,imao sam na njemu sajt ali vise nisam u mogucnosti da pristupim njemu.

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that, due to increasing problems and emergency situations arising with our data center - AlphaRed, and in order to provide higher quality hosting service to all our prospective and existing clients, our Administrators Department has decided to move all servers and current hosting accounts to a new data center, which guarantees better performance and robust server configuration.

The transferring of all current accounts, and respectively all our existing customers' website's data, will begin on 10-2008-14 and the whole process will take about a week to be entirely completed. Until the process is entirely completed, Freehostia will not be able to accomodate any new webhosting accounts, and both the Web Hosting Control Panel, and the Signup procedure will be temporarily unavailable. Meanwhile please check our Support Forums for the latest updates regarding the transfering process.

The e-mail services will remain available, however all clients need to back up (save) all mails received during the period, as our system will not be able to retrieve those e-mails after the transfer.

Thank you very much for your understanding in this matter. Please, mind that all this procedure is undertaken to ensure better service and hosting platform and no future hassling situations.

With Best Regards,
FreeDhostia Support Team

Da li je upitanju nadogradnja servera i da li ce mi ostati fajlovi na serveru ???
Odgovor na temu

Ilić Aleksandar
Simplicity d.o.o.

Član broj: 2954
Poruke: 3859

ICQ: 4849714

+68 Profil

icon Re: Freehostia problem!16.10.2008. u 06:46 - pre 190 meseci
To znaju samo oni i niko vise. Tako da moras njih i da pitas.
Odgovor na temu

srpsko gradjevinarstvo

Član broj: 124392
Poruke: 1188

+7 Profil

icon Re: Freehostia problem!16.10.2008. u 09:37 - pre 190 meseci
brate sad ti se obilo o glavu, i valjda ćeš izvući pouku. Reci jedno veliko ne free hostingu. Imaš za 30e hosting i domen ( godišnji nivo) kod par firmi u Srbiji. Kupiš i radiš šta hoćeš, niko ti neće pokrasti projekat, mada se to meni jednom desilo od strane nekog hosting divljaka.

Ovako sve što si radio teško da će ti freehostia vratiti. Uopšte svi free nalozi posle određenog vremena prestanu sa radom.
Odgovor na temu

WwW - Nis,Bg

Član broj: 57064
Poruke: 367

+6 Profil

icon Re: Freehostia problem!26.10.2008. u 14:46 - pre 190 meseci
Sve to stoji, ali za zezanje zasto da ne freehostia je imapa problem sa server-ima unazad tako da su svi serveri prebaceni u drugi Data Center.

Svako ko ima nalog na freehostia je dobio mail sa obavestenjem da ce biti radova i da ce biti offline u prekidima nekoliko dana.

Po meni jedan od boljih free host Free Hostia, e sad ima i boljih u to ne smumljan niti poricem.


mod edit: uklonjen citat! citiranje poruke koja je odmah iznad vase nije potrebno.

[Ovu poruku je menjao jockeal dana 30.08.2009. u 16:01 GMT+1]
Ako zelite nesto da promenite na bolje, krenite da razmisljate kako bi ste to uradili . . .
Odgovor na temu

Msc Mechanical Engineer

Član broj: 184547
Poruke: 32

+2 Profil

icon Re: Freehostia problem!30.08.2009. u 14:00 - pre 179 meseci
Napravi sam sajt

i uploadovao sam sve fajlove fajlove koji mi trebaju

napravio sam bazu

username: dantra93_tehnika
password: nije bitno
database name: dantra93_tehnika
database host:
database port: 3306

gde ja treba da unese ove podatke

i kako da fajl aplication.php povezem sa tom bazom

kod ovog fajla izgleda ovako

* This file was written and developed by Ying Zhang ([email protected])
* for educational and demonstration purposes only. You are hereby granted the
* rights to use, modify, and redistribute this file as you like. The only
* requirement is that you must retain this notice, without modifications, at
* the top of your source code. No warranties or guarantees are expressed or
* implied. DO NOT use this code in a production environment without
* understanding the limitations and weaknesses pretaining to or caused by the
* use of these scripts, directly or indirectly. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!


/* turn on verbose error reporting (15) to see all warnings and errors */

/* define a generic object */
class object {};

$CFG = new object;

/* database configuration */
$CFG->dbhost = "localhost";
$CFG->dbname = "dantra93_tehnika";
$CFG->dbuser = "root";
$CFG->dbpass = "";

/* directory configuration, if all your mymarket files are in one directory
* you probably only need to set the wwwroot variable. valid examples are:
* $CFG->wwwroot = "";
* $CFG->wwwroot = "http://localhost/mymarket";
* do not include the trailing slash. dirroot is the physical path on your
* server where mymarket can find it's files. for more security, it is
* recommended that you move the libraries and templates ($CFG->libdir
* and $CFG->templatedir) outside of your web directories.
$CFG->wwwroot = "http://localhost/mymarket";
$CFG->dirroot = "C:/wamp/www/mymarket";
$CFG->templatedir = "$CFG->dirroot/templates";
$CFG->libdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib";
$CFG->imagedir = "$CFG->wwwroot/images";
$CFG->picture = "$CFG->dirroot/images/picture";
$CFG->slika = "$CFG->wwwroot/images/picture/";
$CFG->icondir = "$CFG->imagedir/icons";
$CFG->bannerdir = "$CFG->imagedir/banners";
$CFG->support = "[email protected]";
$CFG->version = "1.71";
$CFG->sessionname = "mymarket";

/* extended configuration */
$CFG->showsponsor = false; // enabled banner advertising
$CFG->currency = "din";
$CFG->currencyfirst = false; // show the currency symbol before the price tag

/* define database error handling behavior, since we are in development stages
* we will turn on all the debugging messages to help us troubleshoot */
$DB_DEBUG = true;
$DB_DIE_ON_FAIL = true;

/* load up standard libraries */

/* setup some global variables */
$ME = qualified_me();

/* start up the sessions, to keep things simple we just have two
* variables, USER containing user information and CART containing
* the user's shopping cart. */
ini_set("", $CFG->sessionname);

/* initialize the USER object if necessary */
if (! isset($_SESSION["USER"])) {
$_SESSION["USER"] = array();

/* initialize the CART object if necessary */
if (! isset($_SESSION["CART"])) {
$_SESSION["CART"] = new Cart;


/* connect to the database */
db_connect($CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbname, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass);

Pomozite ako mozete , mucim se vec 3 sata.

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Hosting :: Freehostia problem!

[ Pregleda: 2949 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.