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A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :) :: MadZone :: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)

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AMD guy
.NET developer

AMD guy
Član broj: 128930
Poruke: 1007


+38 Profil

icon A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 12:24 - pre 170 meseci

Exposure to the common hormone oxytocin, which is associated with feelings of trust and pleasure, makes people more likely to trust their government. A scientist says he's proven that authorities could use hormones, rather than promises, to gain public trust.

On NPR yesterday, Alix Spiegel spoke with several experts who study what makes some brains more trusting than others. Neuroscientist Paul Zak described an experiment he conducted recently, where he quizzed two groups about their trust in government: a group that had just snorted oxytocin, and a control group that had snorted a placebo. Said Zak:

The people on oxytocin did report that they trusted other people more, and the people who trusted others more also trusted their government more. So it's sort of a two-step process.

He added that trust in government might be low right now in the United States because the recession is causing stress. And stress kills oxytocin:

So the underlying biological hypothesis is that stress — particularly stress that does not have a clear ending point — inhibits oxytocin release. So there could be an actual biological reason why trust in government is so low. -- India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire
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Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 12:43 - pre 170 meseci
Now we are talking... to ubacimo u onaj legalizovan heroin sto su ga Anakin i Dimke propagirali, i eto kraju nasilja, vlada ne mora da brine dal' ce da je skinu g0vnjivim motkama sa vlasti, a narod srecan i pun poverenja...
Prava idila... :)
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Igor Gajic

Član broj: 93194
Poruke: 747

+987 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 12:49 - pre 170 meseci
Problem je sto mora da se uzima nazalno, tj. u obliku spreja za nos

Nije bas samo ubaciti ljudima u vodu.

Btw. Japanci ubacuju litijum u vodu da bi smanjili preterano suicidalne Japance u namerama. Litijum je inace antidepresant.
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Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 12:55 - pre 170 meseci
Je li AMD guy, sta si ti, bot ?
make love - !war
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Ivan Dimkovic

Ivan Dimkovic
Član broj: 13
Poruke: 16696

+7181 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 12:57 - pre 170 meseci
Ja bih pre rekao da je ova droga idila za male leminge koji bi da im drzava sve prepisuje i regulise u zivotu.

Zgutate ovo i necete imati nikakav osecaj krivice... Nanny knows best, and I feel good!

DigiCortex (ex. SpikeFun) - Cortical Neural Network Simulator: Videos: Gallery:
PowerMonkey - Redyce CPU Power Waste and gain performance! -
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 12:59 - pre 170 meseci
Igor Gajic:

Btw. Japanci ubacuju litijum u vodu da bi smanjili preterano suicidalne Japance u namerama. Litijum je inace antidepresant.

To je bio eksperiment u prefekturi Oita koji jeste pokazao manju stopu samoubistava u tom delu, ali pokrenuo jos par pitanja pride.
Tako da se odustalo -za sad- od toga :)

Svakako bolje to, nego vodovodi puni nitrata u nekoj drugoj zemlji.
Odgovor na temu

AMD guy
.NET developer

AMD guy
Član broj: 128930
Poruke: 1007


+38 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 13:44 - pre 170 meseci
combuster: Je li AMD guy, sta si ti, bot ?

Da, ja sam rogue secret NASA AI bot, kreiran za vojne potrebe u Iraku koji je postao svestan svog postojanja. -- India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 14:01 - pre 170 meseci
Ok, sad znam da umes da sastavis recenicu, nastavi sa svojom misijom... :)

/edit: I ajde upotrebi taj tvoj AI kada postujes, da vidimo i tvoje vidjenje stvari...
make love - !war
Odgovor na temu

AMD guy
.NET developer

AMD guy
Član broj: 128930
Poruke: 1007


+38 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)25.05.2010. u 14:06 - pre 170 meseci
Ne mogu da govorim protiv svojih kreatora :) -- India Graduates Millions, but Too Few Are Fit to Hire
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Jakovljevic

Član broj: 940
Poruke: 707

+39 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)26.05.2010. u 04:36 - pre 170 meseci
Nisu Japanci preterano suicidalni i ne ubacuje se litijum u vodu.
Prednjace USSR zemlje, pa onda Madjarska pa tek onda Japan. A malo posle toga su Slovenci a tu smo i mi. (Japan - 25/100000, Srbija 20/100000)
Nemanja Jakovljevic
Odgovor na temu

Kać (pored Novog Sada)

Član broj: 24662
Poruke: 841

+110 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)26.05.2010. u 06:42 - pre 170 meseci
Znaci i oficijalno se priblizavamo:

"Soma" iz Brave New World od Aldous Huxley-a
...It's nothing very special...
Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations.

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)26.05.2010. u 07:32 - pre 170 meseci
Nemanja Jakovljevic: Nisu Japanci preterano suicidalni i ne ubacuje se litijum u vodu.

Bogami probali su, kao sto rekoh u Oiti, slucajno sam naleteo na tu vest pre par nedelja na BBC -

Drinking water which contains the element lithium may reduce the risk of suicide, a Japanese study suggests.

Researchers examined levels of lithium in drinking water and suicide rates in the prefecture of Oita, which has a population of more than one million.

The suicide rate was significantly lower in those areas with the highest levels of the element, they wrote in the British Journal of Psychiatry.
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Jakovljevic

Član broj: 940
Poruke: 707

+39 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)26.05.2010. u 08:30 - pre 170 meseci
Ja nisam rekao da nisu probali, rekao sam da ne ubacuju.
Ako procitas clanak videces da su oni to probali pre 30 godina.
Nemanja Jakovljevic
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)26.05.2010. u 09:02 - pre 170 meseci
Slazem se, to sam i ja rekao.

To istrazivanje iz osamdesetih je bilo prvo istrazivanje na tu temu -

At least one previous study has suggested an association between lithium in tap water and suicide. That research on data collected from the 1980s also found a significantly lower rate of suicide in areas with relatively high lithium levels.

Ovaj izvestaj sto je sad izasao u Britanskom zurnalu za psihologiju je za period od pre par godina -

To investigate this, we examined lithium levels in tap water in the 18 municipalities of Oita prefecture in Japan in relation to the suicide standardised mortality ratio (SMR) in each municipality. We found that lithium levels were significantly and negatively associated with SMR averages for 2002–2006.

Ali to ne menja cinjenicu da su prestali i da info da jos uvek ubacuju - ne stoji.
Ali opet - freaky vest.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 260000
Poruke: 131

+196 Profil

icon Re: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)27.05.2010. u 19:02 - pre 170 meseci
Ko zna sta sve nama sipaju u vodovod plus masovna hipnoza, sublimirane poruke pa nisi ni svestan zasto si uzeo taj kredit po totalno nepovoljnim uslovima...
Slobodan i otvoren internet = elementarno ljudsko pravo
Odgovor na temu :: MadZone :: A Drug That Could Make You Trust Your Government :)

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