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Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje04.07.2011. u 20:13 - pre 157 meseci
Dosadan si sa svojim fake, mislim da je svima jasno tvoje misljenje, pusti druge da kazu ili pitaju nesto pametno.

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje04.07.2011. u 21:13 - pre 157 meseci
Da ponovim:

U proslosti javnost nije bila prikladna za zvanican kontakt.
Svi drasticni dokazi i 'zabranjeni' izumi su sklonjeni od javnosti, jer je to volja mocnika.
Potpuno razotkrivanje i prvi kontakt sledi vrlo uskoro.
Posle toga je svaki komentar suvisan.

Ne mora niko da veruje meni, ni da me napada, zapamtite samo sta je receno.


Član broj: 193131
Poruke: 5

+7 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje04.07.2011. u 21:23 - pre 157 meseci
Možda jesam dosadan ali ni ti nisi ništa manje dosadan sa tvojim upornim crop circle i kačenjem linkova ka totalnim budalaštinama.

Zanima me kako li reaguje tvoja okolina počev od porodice, komšija, prijatelja pa do poznanika. Kako gledaju na tvoje stvaove i jesi li uspeo da ih ubediš u postojanje vanzemljaka?

A ako si već toliko ubeđen u postojanje vanzemljaka i ako si otkrio istinu ne razumem šta ti znači ovo pisaranje po netu kada je tu publika minorna? Zar nije bolje da se lepo obučeš i kreneš od mesta do mesta, od grada do grada, od države do države, organizuješ tribine i u neposrednom kontaktu sa ljudima izneseš tvoja ubeđenja? Nema ništa bolje od neposrednog kontakta, jeste da ćeš dobiti i koju po njonji ali to će se na kraju isplatiti shodno tvojim verovanjima.

Osim toga, kako se bliži dan D po tebi, ne razumem zašto uopšte bilo šta radiš umesto da učiniš veliko delo i edukuješ ljude, pripremiš ih na taj događaj, zar ne vidiš kako se pate, kriza je, plate male, sve skupo, ljudi ostaju bez posla, mladi ljudi koji su završili školu ne mogu da se zaposle, itd. Taman imaš vremena da ih pripremiš na tako veliki preokret koji će da usledi za celokupno čovečanstvo.


Član broj: 193131
Poruke: 5

+7 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje04.07.2011. u 21:31 - pre 157 meseci
Ne mora niko da veruje meni, ni da me napada, zapamtite samo sta je receno.

Ja te ne napadam samo sam trazio konkretan dokaz a ne da mi podmeces linkove i fake slike, video snimke itd. Ti to ne mozes a uporno tvrdis da vanzemljaci postoje. Kako ne shvatas, to ti je kao religija, Bog postoji i tacka. Nema dokaza osim prica koje traju vekovima, sta god da pitas vernike uvek se odgovor svodi na to tvoje: postoji, to je Njegova volja, tako mora da bude, tako je zapisano, itd. Jednostavno, prica bez kraja, zacaran krug.

Sta li ce vernici reci ako umesto Boga dobiju vanzemljake?


Član broj: 274124
Poruke: 25

+103 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje05.07.2011. u 08:50 - pre 157 meseci
Evo misterije

Ignore: Nedeljko!
Prikačeni fajlovi


Član broj: 278567
Poruke: 4

+1 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje05.07.2011. u 11:27 - pre 157 meseci
Sta li ce vernici reci ako umesto Boga dobiju vanzemljake?

Ili obrnuto?

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje05.07.2011. u 23:19 - pre 157 meseci
Moji poznanici i drugovi kojima sam pricao su otvorenog uma i zainteresovani.
Ko bi dosao na tribinu u nekom manjem mestu, ja nisam poznata licnost da mogu da okupim masu.
Ovako sam postavio tekst na nekoliko vecih srpskih foruma. Videlo je dosad bar par hiljada ljudi.
Ali vidjenje od par hiljada je mnogo znacajnije nego sto mislis. Bez obzira da li veruju, prisustvo ovakvih informacija u kolektivnoj svesti ima velik pozitivan uticaj, po principu da jedna ispravna balansira mnogo pogresnih. A Kad se desi nesto konkretno ovo ce da deluje kao referenca i stabilizator u njihovoj svesti. Tada ce se setiti sta su procitali i podeliti to sa svojom okolinom.

Sto se tice religije i boga, ja izbegavam rec bog, jer tu postoji toliko mnogo nivoa svesti i aspekata na tim nivoima. Cak i ako kolektivnu svest ovog univerzuma nazivas bog, postoji neograniceno mnogo aspekata izvan i iznad njega u 'multiverzumu'. Tako se moze reci da smo mi svi na putu stvaranja i da postajemo tvorci sopstvenih univerzuma.
Postoji knjiga 'Razgovor sa Bogom'.
U vidu dijaloga u knjizi 'Bog' ukazuje na sve gluposti koje propagira religija, i objasnjava pravo stanje stvari.
Postoji nekih 6 knjiga ove serije, i one sadrze velike mudrosti i nema sumnje da dolaze od viseg bica. Verovatno najmudrije knjige na svetu.
Preporucio bi ih svima i vernicima i ateistima, pogledajte bar prvu knjigu.
Postoji i na srpskom, a ko ne moze da nadje evo link za engleki dokument.
Eh, upravo sam saznao da je napravljen i film o ovoj knjizi.
Ima na torentima kao i audio knjiga.

Sad najnovija zanimljivost:
Gledao sam Transformers 3, tek objavljen, i mislim da je fantastican kao kreativno delo i zabava.
Pored cinjenice da je to deo promovisanja americke vojske, ideja o vanzemaljcima i zataskavanju zbog pripreme ljudi, u ovom su napravili sokirajuci presedan!
U prici se inace kaze da je Apollo program bio paravan da se ode na mesec da se ispita sruseni svemirski brod. Prikazuje se kako ga astronauti istrazuju i donose artefakte.
Medjutim u jednoj sceni se pojavljuje licno Buzz Aldrin u danasnjici, glumeci sebe.
Pridje da se upozna sa Optimusom, izrazavajuci obostranu cast.
Aldrin zatim kaze: "Zakleli smo se na cutanje glavnom komandantu"
Izmedju ostalog neko kaze: "Samo 35 ljudi u NASA je znalo pravu misiju"
Ovo je tako epic scena!
Neverovatno dokle je sve doslo. Film ce videti milijardu ljudi za par meseci. Ovo je pretekst za disclosure. Sam Buzz Aldrin zeli da kaze istinu pa makar i kroz film. Ovako je istina sakrivena na otvorenom.
Gledajte film i citajte izmedju redova.

Sad ce dreser da nas prosvetli da je to sve ispiranje mozga...


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 00:06 - pre 157 meseci
Stvarno verujes da Baz Oldrin komunicira sa pojedincima koji gledaju film na temu istine o vanzemaljcima?

A ne da je tu zbog vece gledanosti?

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 01:23 - pre 157 meseci
Koje gledanosti, scena od 20 sekundi naspram svih poznatih glumaca i efekata. Pre gledanja skoro niko i nezna da je Buzz u filmu, ta scena nije reklamirana. Pa kad sam se ja potpuno iznenadio, a sve vreme sam iscekivao film. Njegovim pojavljivanjem daje se neverovatan kredibilitet poruci.


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 01:31 - pre 157 meseci
Mmmm ok.

Do sad, Baz je nastupao po sledecim filmovima i serijama, albumima i sl:

- Aldrin made a guest star appearance in an episode of animated sitcom The Simpsons entitled "Deep Space Homer", in which the main character, Homer Simpson, signs up to NASA as their first "Average Joe" astronaut. Aldrin displayed a good sense of humor about his status as second man on the moon. He proclaims "Second comes right after first!"

- The British television comedy group Monty Python, on October 20, 1970, ran an episode called the "Buzz Aldrin Show" with a few references to him and his official NASA portrait (see infobox above) serving as the backdrop for the rolling closing credits while "The Star-Spangled Banner" was played.

- Cliff Robertson played Aldrin in the 1976 TV-movie Return To Earth, based on the first of Aldrin's own two autobiographies, which described his struggles with clinical depression and alcoholism.

- In 1986, after the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster killed its entire crew, he appeared in the Punky Brewster episode "Accidents Happen", as himself, to encourage a disheartened Punky to continue pursuing her dream of becoming an astronaut.

- Aldrin appeared on an episode of Celebrity Jeopardy! in November 1996.

- Aldrin played the role of Reverend Woodruff in the 1996 TV movie Apollo 11, while his own character was played by Xander Berkeley, who had previously played the small role of Henry Hurt in Apollo 13.

- The matter of who would make the first step on the moon was dramatized in the 1998 miniseries From The Earth to the Moon based on Andrew Chaikin's book A Man on the Moon, in which Aldrin was portrayed by Bryan Cranston.

- The popular space ranger character Buzz Lightyear, from Pixar's Toy Story movie series, is named after him, largely due to the suggestion of the film's makers that he has "the coolest name of any astronaut." Aldrin acknowledged the tribute when he pulled a Buzz Lightyear doll out during a speech at NASA, to rapturous cheers; a clip of this can be found on the Toy Story 10th Anniversary DVD. He did not, however, receive any endorsement fees for the use of his first name.[4]

- He appeared in a 2003 interview with Ali G (played by Sacha Baron Cohen) in the British comedy series Ali G in da USAiii, during which Ali G referred to him as "Buzz Lightyear" and asked him if he thought man would ever walk on the sun.

- In 2005, Johan Harstad, a Norwegian author, wrote Buzz Aldrin, What Happened To You in All The Confusion? The main character of the book looks upon Buzz Aldrin as his role model.

- On December 26, 2006, UK TV channel Channel 4 transmitted a 50 minute opera by British composer Jonathan Dove called Man on the Moon, especially made for television. It tells the story of Aldrin's trip to the moon interleaved with the effects the experience had on him and his marriage. Aldrin was played by Nathan Gunn, and Joan Aldrin by Patricia Racette.

- In 2006, Aldrin participated in the documentary Explorers: From the Titanic to the Moon.

- In 2007, Aldrin participated in the book and documentary In the Shadow of the Moon.

- He plays himself in the closing segment of the 3-D animated film Fly Me to the Moon.

- The story of Apollo 11, through the eyes of Aldrin, was recently reimagined as a musical. 'Moon Landing' was written, composed and directed by Stephen Edwards, and performed at Derby Playhouse, and included inventive scenery, including a floating shuttle capsule.

- Aldrin is the model for the MTV Video Music Awards trophy known as the Moonman.[38]

-Psychedelic rock band Bardo Pond released a track called Aldrin on their Lapsed LP.

- Christian rock band Guardian released an album titled Buzz. The album featured four interchangeable covers in the slip, one of which was a picture of "Buzz" Aldrin, preparing for his Apollo 11 lunar mission.

- Aldrin was interviewed by Stephen Colbert on the July 31, 2008, episode of The Colbert Report, promoting the film Fly Me to the Moon.

- Aldrin is one of the astronauts featured in the book and documentary In the Shadow of the Moon, and the documentary "The Wonder of it All."

- In 2009, Aldrin recorded a rap song called "The Rocket Experience".[39] A making of video shows him working with Talib Kweli and Snoop Dogg. Others include Quincy Jones and Soulja Boy.[40]

- On November 17, 2009, Aldrin appeared on The Price Is Right in a space-themed Showcase to promote his new book (which was also included in the Showcase, as a bonus).

- He was a contestant on the 10th season of Dancing with the Stars, paired with Ashly DelGrosso.[41] On Monday March 22, 2010, Alrdin and DelGrosso scored 14 points out of possible 30 points during competition dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha to Sam Cooke. He was voted off the show on Tuesday, April 6, 2010.

- Aldrin was a guest star on the Mother's Day episode of 30 Rock (broadcast May 6, 2010), playing a version of himself; in the 30 Rock continuity, he is Liz Lemon's mother's former lover.

- Aldrin was a guest judge at an episode from Top Chef seventh season, where contestants had to prepare meals to astronauts and scientists at Goddard Space Flight Center.

- Aldrin starred as the "Big Star in a Small Car" in the series premiere of the US version of Top Gear. His lap time was 1:55.6 in a Suzuki SX4.

- Aldrin appears in the teaser trailer for the 2011 film Transformers: Dark of the Moon played by Cory Tucker. Director Michael Bay confirmed that Aldrin will be involved on the film.[42] Aldrin appears as a character in the book Transformers: Dark of the Moon The Junior Novel.[43]

- Aldrin will guest star in an upcoming episode of Futurama.[44]

Bio je i na trejleru, pa je prilicno jasno da je bio promoter filma, obzirom na kratko pojavljivanje.
Majkl Bej, kao i obicno, radi sve da zaradi.
Kao i ovo

[Ovu poruku je menjao Isak666 dana 06.07.2011. u 02:42 GMT+1]

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 12:05 - pre 157 meseci
Aldrin appears in the teaser trailer for the 2011 film Transformers: Dark of the Moon played by Cory Tucker. Director Michael Bay confirmed that Aldrin will be involved on the film.

Obrati paznju sta pises
Jel vidis tu negde danasnjeg Aldrina? Ili glumca Cory Tucker u skafanderu.

I got the chance to meet with Michael Bay earlier this week at his offices in Santa Monica, and he said that he actually consulted with Buzz Aldrin about his experience as the second man to walk on the Moon. He told Bay stories about the Apollo 11 mission and how they had to abandon all their unnecessary equipment there so their capsule was able to make it back home. Bay said that after speaking with Aldrin, "I definitely know they landed on the moon now. I knew it was real, just by studying actors." Apparently, Bay can tell a faker when he sees one, and in his eyes Aldrin is the real deal

O konsultovanju se secam da sam procitao, ali se nije pominjalo da ce se pojaviti u filmu.

Sta mi pominjes dokumentarne i njegovu "glumacku karijeru".
Pa ima jos 1000 gostovanja u medijima i napisao je knjigu.
Promovisuci knjigu pominje monolit na fobosu.


UFO claims:
In 2005, while being interviewed for a documentary titled First on the Moon: The Untold Story, Aldrin told an interviewer that they saw an unidentified flying object. Aldrin told David Morrison, an NAI Senior Scientist, that the documentary cut the crew's conclusion that they were probably seeing one of four detached spacecraft adapter panels. Their S-IVB upper stage was 6,000 miles away, but the four panels were jettisoned before the S-IVB made its separation maneuver so they would closely follow the Apollo 11 spacecraft until its first midcourse correction. When Aldrin appeared on The Howard Stern Show on August 15, 2007, Stern asked him about the supposed UFO sighting. Aldrin confirmed that there was no such sighting of anything deemed extraterrestrial, and said they were and are "99.9 percent" sure that the object was the detached panel.

Interviewed by the Science Channel, Aldrin mentioned seeing unidentified objects, and he claims his words were taken out of context; he asked the Science Channel to clarify to viewers he did not see alien spacecraft, but they refused

To je sto je zvanicno pominjao o ufo. A znamo kakav mora biti zvanican stav.

Propustas poentu u transformersima.

Od ostalih astronauta, Cooper je bio samo oko zemlje, ali pricao o svojim vidjenjima dok je sluzio kao pilot.

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 12:22 - pre 157 meseci
Takodje obratite paznju na misteriozan govor Neila Armstronga:
"Remove truth protective layers"

Duzi clip:


Član broj: 28980
Poruke: 200

+744 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 13:13 - pre 157 meseci


Član broj: 280995
Poruke: 155

+29 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 14:57 - pre 157 meseci
Gde rekoste da ima da se upoznaju vanzemaljci

Treba mi jedan kao garant za kredit...


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 16:22 - pre 157 meseci
Propustas poentu u transformersima.

Naravno, kad ona ni ne postoji.

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 16:52 - pre 157 meseci
Naravno, kad ona ni ne postoji.

Pa ti neces verovati ni kad ti dodju pred kucu.


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 17:00 - pre 157 meseci
Ali kako se tvoja izjava razlikuje od moje?

Ti tvrdis da je to poruka, a ne obican film.
Nemas ni jedan direktan dokaz za to.

Ja tvrdim da je obican film, a ne poruka.
Nemam ni jedan direktan dokaz za to.

Btw ja bih isto tako mogao da tvrdim da si ti nasao u tom filmu poruku sledeci svoju logiku, ali to ne znaci da ona i postoji, nego da si projektovao svoja ocekivanja na odredjenu situaciju - u ovom slucaju film.

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 18:18 - pre 157 meseci
Pa dobro rekli smo svoje misljenje, dokaza nema. Svako neka prosudi za sebe.


Član broj: 178292
Poruke: 758

+586 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 18:31 - pre 157 meseci
Pa da.
U sustini, nije ni bitno.

Inace, to sto pises i nije lose.
Ja to prihvatam kao fantaziju, sto ume biti od koristi ako imas neki posao koji to zahteva.
Mozda jedino biti problematicno ako pocinje da remeti svakodnevni zivot jer ipak je takva postavka realnosti prilicno drugacija nego kod vecine ljudi.

Galactic Federation
Sabac, Srbija

Član broj: 286901
Poruke: 1

+58 Profil

icon Re: Vanzemaljci i Buducnost Zemlje06.07.2011. u 19:20 - pre 157 meseci
Jeste ali svako se susretne sa realnoscu pre ili kasnije. Cak i oni koji za zivota veruju da je smrt prestanak postojanja, sto je apsurdno.
Ko malo bolje sagleda stvari vidi da je ideja da vanzemaljci ne posecuju zemlju smesna.
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